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December Contest RESULTS



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Post Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:59 pm

December Contest RESULTS

Congratulations to raptor on his winning map, Celtic Arena!

It was very close, so let's have a hearty round of applause for our runner up, BlackBird and his excellent map, Gamepad.

Without further ado, this month's levels and designers were as follows:
Celtic Arena - raptor
Curved Capture - +[Kuartificated]+
Disorder Down Under - raptor*
Distraction Curve - sam686
Figure8_2011 - _k*
Gamepad - BlackBird
Horatio the Soccer Player - Little_Apple
The KDE Desktop Environment - raptor*
Round-a-Base - Santiago ZAP
Son of Airlock: The Quickening - _k
This Is Life - ZoombeR
Tower Labyrinth - Dr. Spacebar
Trefoil Retrieve - raptor*
* denotes filler level

Thank you to everyone who submitted a map! A special thanks goes out to +[Kuartificated]+ for his very cool first submission, Curved Capture. This was a great round of entries! The server will stay up for a while. Map makers, you're welcome to explain your creations and/or post them in the Map Gallery!


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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:38 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

raptor, i must say, you have done us wrong by hiding so much excellent outstanding talent! Congratulations!


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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:50 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

Oh wow. This was really close. Reminds me of that one NASCAR race where Jimmy Johnson didn't lead a single lap exept the last lap. Congrats raptor.
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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:06 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

Pff, my level was the best by far.


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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:04 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

I would say Gamepad is the best level BlackBird has ever made.

Personally, I liked KDE Desktop Environment better than Celtic Arena, although that could just be because I know all raptor's little tricksies.


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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:20 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

I actually like 'KDE Desktop Environment' better, too; it plays really well.

'Celtic Arena' was a proof-of-concept map, and I definitely put the most work into it, which is why I chose it to be my contest entry.

I will shortly release all the maps I made, but I'm thinking I might first change 'Trefoil Retrieve' a bit to actually be playable... :)

I am considering trying to fix 'Celtic Arena' gameplay issues, but I may just leave it as is because I built it with the intent of having that frantic sort of gameplay. Any suggestions?

Also, BlackBird and Little_Apple - marvelous maps!


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Post Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:17 am

Re: December Contest RESULTS

Congratulations raptor! Your map was beautiful and you deserved the win.

One suggestion I might make would be to add some kind of small distraction. This could be an asteroid, neutral laserbeam, etc. Even the smallest of distractions will have people going for it.

Shoutout to all other level designers -- this was a tough theme but you guys did it! Congratulations to all! :)
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