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February VOTING - Final

Best Executed Entry

PURE - Retrieve
SunDoMe - Bitmatch
Total votes : 8


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Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:39 pm

February VOTING - Final

end it.


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Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:59 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation

Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes

invader alex

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Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:04 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

I'm guessing that Construction was your map, _k?
I am guessing that I am the only one that finds Pure to be a pretty buggy map.


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Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:33 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

I didn't host any maps made by me this month. You may have missed when I hosted Juggernaut's Run, though. It was one of the early maps to feature retrieve with team flags. The fact that it's impossible to return an enemy flag without scoring a touchdown is actually a feature and not a bug. It forces the defending team to work harder and operate from different bases. I think people have kind of gotten used to the idea by now.

invader alex

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Post Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:57 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

karamazovapy wrote:I didn't host any maps made by me this month. You may have missed when I hosted Juggernaut's Run, though. It was one of the early maps to feature retrieve with team flags. The fact that it's impossible to return an enemy flag without scoring a touchdown is actually a feature and not a bug. It forces the defending team to work harder and operate from different bases. I think people have kind of gotten used to the idea by now.

I guess so, it show how much time I took off from playing Bitfighter. But it's kinda annoying that sometimes the red flag (not sure of the color) spawns directly over the goal. When I was playing that only happen for one team, giving them an unfair advantage.


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Post Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:35 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

Voting will close tomorrow night.


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Post Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:56 am

Re: February VOTING - Final

Frankly, I'm worried about how bottlenecked PURE is. I haven't had a chance to play it with a large group of people, so I could be wrong.

SunDoMe just doesn't have anything outstanding about it. That doesn't mean it's a bad level, there's just nothing that shows awesomeness.

Regardless, both levels are fun and I could see some epic battles being played on them in the future. Good luck to the level makers, and may the best level win!
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Post Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:14 pm

Re: February VOTING - Final

i missed everything so it will be impossible to get my vote unless i get bribed with something like a free vacation within the next two hours before voting closes.

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