Sensor as a mobility tool - BugDashing
Heya, some of you might have seen it already while playing, but after experimenting with sensor a bit, it can be a module that does more than just counter cloak, and in fact can be used as an alternative to turbo!
So, the thing is, place a spybug, shield por half a second and burst into it, you will get pushed a distance comparable to a fully charged double-tap turbo, while only spending 2/5 of your energy, I like to call it BugDashing!
This super-speed boost can work amazingly in team-oriented games, CTF you can run away in an instant.
Zone control you can push yourself really far away if the map allows you to, or you can also BugDash near your flag-carrying allies to push them away and get them close to the next zone, saving them tons of energy, and, if well-placed, also push enemy ships away.
Soccer you can bump the ball at speeds that can turn the tide of the battle in an instant.
Retrieve and other defence-oriented modes you can push enemies far away if the situation requires it to.
This thing is kinda hard to execute though, many times I have failed to use shield and zapped myself on accident, and some I move just an inch from the spybug and miss the burst entirely, leaving me incredibly vulnerable.
While it sounds like a turbo-replacement, turbo's much more controllable, can be used in short bursts, something BugDashing cannot achieve.
Try it out, open maps like the ZAP classics are god-tier for this!
So, the thing is, place a spybug, shield por half a second and burst into it, you will get pushed a distance comparable to a fully charged double-tap turbo, while only spending 2/5 of your energy, I like to call it BugDashing!
This super-speed boost can work amazingly in team-oriented games, CTF you can run away in an instant.
Zone control you can push yourself really far away if the map allows you to, or you can also BugDash near your flag-carrying allies to push them away and get them close to the next zone, saving them tons of energy, and, if well-placed, also push enemy ships away.
Soccer you can bump the ball at speeds that can turn the tide of the battle in an instant.
Retrieve and other defence-oriented modes you can push enemies far away if the situation requires it to.
This thing is kinda hard to execute though, many times I have failed to use shield and zapped myself on accident, and some I move just an inch from the spybug and miss the burst entirely, leaving me incredibly vulnerable.
While it sounds like a turbo-replacement, turbo's much more controllable, can be used in short bursts, something BugDashing cannot achieve.
Try it out, open maps like the ZAP classics are god-tier for this!