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Most Timeless Games?



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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:16 pm

Most Timeless Games?

So we all have our favorite classic games ... but to be brutally honest, I've gone back to some of my favorite old games and realized that they were amazing for their time but somewhat lackluster now. I can't be the only one who's felt this way. It's OK, you can admit it. P:

So the question I ask of all of you in this thread is ... what game(s) do you feel truly stand the test of time?

I'll start.

Legend of Dragoon (Playstation 1) -- This one has aged surprisingly well. There are some things here and there that are a bit archaic but the vast majority of it is a truly imaginative universe wrapped up in a pretty good story and great characters. The gameplay itself is pretty classy too, hardly aged at all. Definitely an "epic" game. If you're into RPGs... You must check it out. This is one of those games that I wish I could wipe my memory and play it over and over, but I instead wait a few years between playthroughs, hah!

Bitfighter/Zap -- I've stuck with it as long as I have (about 8 years?), the level editor never ceases to amuse me, and it just keeps expanding thanks to these lovely devs, so ... enough said.
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Post Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:58 pm

Re: Most Timeless Games?

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Lone Wolf

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Post Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:41 pm

Re: Most Timeless Games?

Conisdering the fact that I'm 14, the GameCube was my childhood console.

I'm actually replaying Sonic Heroes and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
if you're reading this, i'm sorry for how cringe my old posts are. i rarely play BF anymore, but if you ever want to find me, you can catch me on steam, or on discord @ muddy#7969


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Post Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:54 pm

Re: Most Timeless Games?

Lone Wolf wrote:Conisdering the fact that I'm 14, the GameCube was my childhood console.

I'm actually replaying Sonic Heroes and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Sonic fucking Heroes? Are you kidding me? That game literally paved the way for Sonic to be shitty for the next 10 years.

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Post Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:17 pm

Re: Most Timeless Games?

Quartz wrote:
Lone Wolf wrote:Conisdering the fact that I'm 14, the GameCube was my childhood console.

I'm actually replaying Sonic Heroes and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Sonic fucking Heroes? Are you kidding me? That game literally paved the way for Sonic to be shitty for the next 10 years.


Sonic Heros is actually my favorite Sonic game. I think it appeals to a different kind of gamer, because I don't really enjoy any other Sonic games that much lol
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Post Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:56 am

Re: Most Timeless Games?

Super Mario Bros. is the kingpin of the NES library and platformers, super mario world is a close second and Smb3 is in a league of its own. Other Nintendo classics like Marlo Kart and Smash Brothers are always great fun.LoZ always has nice music, as does Donkey Kong Country
I still have fun when I play Crash Bandicoot 2,3 bash and racing for the orig Playstation but they're not quite timeless. Still great fun
Tetris is definitely almost certainly timeless.
Pokemon is a strong series

On the Computer, there are a bunch. My favorite is definitely the Age of Empires series.
Blizzard games are pretty good too. Diablo = fun RPGs, Starcraft is a really fast paced RTS, haven't tried their other games
Escape Velocity was this pretty cool mac RPG spaceship game that was later ported to PC.
4x fans have Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares or the civilization series
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Post Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:32 pm

Re: Most Timeless Games?

Sonic Heroes is fucking awesome, Just saying.
But then again, I enjoyed Sonic Unleashed as well.

Roblox is probably one of the more timeless games for me. I have been playing it for 8 years and it still sticks with me.

As for retro games, Super Mario 64.
i got a rattlesnake gun.

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